The UNESCO has designated more then 1000 heritage sites to preserve sites with cultural and natural importance. Of all those sites only 32 have been listed for both nature and culture. One such site is Goreme, Turkey where human hands and nature combined to make one of the most unique and spectacular places on earth.
Nature had the first roll in shaping the landscape when eruptions from three volcanoes covered the the area in ash and mud thirty million years ago. As wind and water tore away at the soft rock, Goreme’s incredible rock structures were uncovered. So by the time humans arrived, the landscape was amazing like so many other areas of the planet.
In the 3rd millennium BCE, people were already calling Goreme home. It’s location in central Turkey became a problem as it was on the boundary of rival empires — multiple times throughout it’s history. The back and forth battles forced thousands of people to take cover underground. The soft rock that lead to the great landscapes also allowed people to carve out elaborate caves, some of which go as deep and eight stories. In addition to the cave system people carved homes into the rock.
The amazing mix of human and nature make Goreme a must see, and you can see it in these great photos of Goreme below. To see more photos of Goreme including inside of the caves and cave churches be sure to check out Newscom.